May 14, 1983
Oakland-Piedmont Jewish Community Center Benefit
Oakland, California
Tom Constanten
American Ragtime Ensemble:
David Reffkin, violin/leader; Lucy Schoening, flute; Diana Dorman, clarinet; Kurt Patzner, trombone;
Ward Spangler, percussion; and T. C., piano
The Dark Town Swell (Sutton)
Ophelia Rag (Scott)
Grace and Beauty (Scott)
Going Some (March) (Loveland)
Top Liner Rag (Lamb)
AlexanderХs Rag Time Band (Berlin)
Dill Pickles (Johnson)
(IХll be in my) Dixie Home again Tomorrow (Turk/Robinson)
Peacherine Rag (Joplin)
Gen. Mixup, U. S. A. (Cobb)
Maple Leaf Rag (Joplin)
Pine Apple Rag (Joplin)
Circus Maximus (C. C. Samuels)
Solace (Joplin) – piano solo
Contentment Rag (Lamb)
Non profit Rag (Reffkin)
Des Negers Geburtstag (Lincke)
Beale St. Blues (Handy)
Cheops (Cobb)
Entry of the Gladiators (Fucik)