July 1, 1987
The Dock
Tom Constanten
Efficiency Rag (Scott) Pine Apple Rag (Joplin) Garto (Nazareth) Hesitation Blues (Davis) Any Face Card Beats a 10 Through Edens Gates (Bolcom) Dejavalse/valise The Banjo (Gottschalk) Second Set Thats a Plenty (Gilbert/Pollack)Blues with Bruce Walker Bellingham Reindeer Rag (Lamb) Escorregando (Nazareth) Green and Gold (T.S.C. #4) Tabby Cat Walk (Bolcom) Minstrels (Debussy) Lude: Licentious Bicentennial Rag (T.S.C. #3) Harlequin and the Philosopher (from Tarot) Third Set Rose Leaf Rag (Joplin) Maiden Waltz (from Tarot) Lovers Walk… (from Tarot) / Dark Star Digression Gnossienne #2 (Satie) Land of the Hassled and Free Etude #25 (Chopin) Etude, Op. 25 #6 (Chopin) Russian Rag (Cobb) Danses de Travers #1 (Satie) Praeambulum: Partita #5 (J. S. Bach) Etude, Op. 10 #1 (Chopin)