October 28, 1989
KQED-FM: West Coast Weekend,
San Francisco, CA
Tom Constanten
with Sedge Thomson (Life on the Water/Steinway)
{San Francisco…
Dejas – with Bruce Walker Bellingham and Ian Whitcomb
Need You (Harrison)
Season of the Witch (Leitch) – with Bruce Walker Bellingham
Urban Geographer Intro/Outro
Dear Averill (Bellingham) March
Beauty and the Cowboy (Bellingham)
with Bruce Walker Bellingham and Ian Whitcomb
Audience Adventure Boogie – with Bruce Walker Bellingham and Ian Whitcomb
RockinХ Promenade
City Ice Sketch (Thomson) In/Out/During
Klavierstџck, Op. 19 #6 (Schљnberg)