June 2, 1990
Chi Chi Club
San Francisco, CA
Tom Constanten
Jessica Blue SkyХs Benefit Bash II
Two Pieces with: Jerry Miller, Dan Arbuthnot, and Danny Kalb, guitars;
Mitchell Holman, bass; and Chris ?????, drums
E Blues
Who do you Love (Bo Diddley)
with:Danny Kalb, guitar; Mitchell Holman, bass; and Chris ?????, drums
Solo Piano set
** Friend of the Devil (Hunter/Garcia)/
** Sympathy for the Devil (Jagger/Richard)
** San Andreas Stomp (T. S. C,. #5)
** GoinХ Home (Jagger/Richard)/
** Boris the Spider (Entwistle)
** Dejavalse
** Dark Star (Hunter/Garcia)
* Prelude, Op. 23 #6 (Rachmaninoff