June 16, 1990
KQED-FM: West Coast Weekend,
San Francisco, CA
Tom Constanten
with Sedge Thomson (Life on the Water/Steinway)
* {Das Rheingold opening…
** Dejas
with Those Darned Accordions
** Shalimar: First Interlude (Hovhaness)
** Friend of the Devil (Hunter/Garcia)
* Shalimar: Rain Jhala (Hovhaness)
** Shalimar: Jhala of the Fountains (Hovhaness)
** San Jose Fanfare
** City Ice Sketch (Thomson) In/Out/During
** Audience Adventure Boogie
** Singles in Crisis Sketch (Fox) Intro/Outro
** RockinХ Promenade
*** Pulp Playhouse: KarenХs Diary
with Brian Lohmann, Barbara Scott, and Rafe Chase