May 7, 1994
Holiday Inn Luhn/Robinson Wedding Reception (KORG Concert 3500)
Hendersonville, N. C.
Tom Constanten
Morning Dew (Dobson) John Barleycorn (Traditional) Romanze, Op. 118 #5 (Brahms) Friend of the Devil (Hunter/Dawson/Garcia)/Boris the Spider (Entwistle)/The Fat Angel (Leitch)/ Mountains of the Moon (Hunter/Garcia) Nocturne, Op. 9 #1 (Chopin) Ive Just Seen a Face (Lennon/McCartney) Etude, Op. 10 #8 (Chopin) Unchained Serenade Encores Lovelite (Malone)/Dark Star (Hunter/Garcia) Intermezzo, Op. 119 #3 (Brahms)