July 9, 2000
Christ Unity Church (Kurzweil PC88)
Charlotte, N. C.
Tom Constanten
Pianist for Sunday service Processional Morning Dew (Dobson) Opening Hymns Change my Heart, O God (Espinosa) Fill this Temple (Cemero) Surely the Presence (Wolfe) Know the River of Health is Truth (McGinness/Frangkiser) He Healeth Me O Blessed Thought (Gilmore/Bradbury) We Are Walking in the Light (Traditional) My Shepherd Will Supply my Need (J. T. Luck) with Sylvia Whitesell, soprano The Lords Prayer (Malotte) The King of Love my Shepherd is (H. R. Shelley) with Sylvia Whitesell, soprano Let There be Peace on Earth (Miller) Recessional Do Lord (Traditional)