November 12, 2005

The New York Society for Ethical Culture (Kurzweil)

New York, N. Y.
Tom Constanten

Rex Foudation Black Tie Dye Ball
with Zen Tricksters: Jeff Mattson, Klyph Black, Tom Circosta, and Joe Ciarvella, plus: Donna Jean, Greg Anton, Rob Barraco,
Michael Falzarano, Wendy Lanter, and David Nelson
First Set
Iko-Iko (Traditional) – Mickey Hart, vocal
No Better Way
Where ThereХs Two There’s Trouble (Falzarano) – Michael Falzarano, vocal
Garden of Eden
Down the Road
Cold Rain and Snow (Traditional, arr. TC) – TC, vocal
When You Say When
Different World > GoinХ Down the Road Feeling Bad (Traditional)
All Night Long Blues
The One
IХll Be With Thee
Beat it on Down the Line (Fuller)
Second Set
Louisiana Lady
Me and Kettle Joe
Weather Report Suite (Hunter/Garcia)
Any Naked Eye (Nelson) > People are Strange (Doors) – TC, vocal > Any Naked Eye (Nelson) (reprise)
The Music Never Stopped (Hunter/Garcia)
Ripple (Hunter/Garcia)