Henry Kaiser Band
Henry Kaiser and Bruce Anderson, guitars; Hilary Hanes, bass;
John Hanes, drums; Cary Sheldon, vocals, and T. C., keyboards
First Set
Tell Me (Jagger/Richard)
California DreaminХ (Phillips)
Play With Fire (Jagger/Richard)
Anyone who had a Heart (Bacharach/David)
Mr. Music Sketch
Four Systems (Earle Brown)
Go Go Pogo (Kelly) – w/TC vocal
ItХs a Lie (Anderson)
FishinХ Hole (Sloane/Hagen/Spencer)/
LoveХs Made a Fool of You (Holly)
Second Set
CryinХ in Your Beer (Anderson)
Are You Experienced (Hendrix)/Tijuana (Cale)/
Do What You Like (Winwood)/The Other One (Garcia/Hunter/Weir)/
Liberty Valance (Bacharach/David)/Loner (Young)
LosinХ Hand (Calhoun)