with Sedge Thomson (Life on the Water/Steinway)
Spring Pledge Festival
** {IХd Like to Teach the World to Sing…
** Dejas with Eric Tingstad, Nancy Rumbel, and Alex DeGrassi
** Mantra Tag
** Rejected Fund Raising Concept #106 – Minimalist MacNeil-Lehrer
** My GalХs a Corker (Traditional)
** Rejected Fund Raising Concept #17 – Oral Roberts – spoken
** Rejected Fund Raising Concept #56 Bed
** Anne Lamott Intro/Outro
** City Ice Sketch (Thomson) In/Out/During
** Rejected Fund Raising Concept #67 Bed
** RockinХ Promenade
** BBC News (Varon) Outro
** Audience Adventure Boogie
** Micheal McShane Bed